Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Baby Stuff

I'm trying not to go too over the top with the baby posting, but I am knitting lots of baby stuff, scrapping lots and erm buying quite a bit of stuff too. But hopefully im not driving you too mad, if i am then just skip this post then 

So when i was in Harrogate the other day i picked up a pattern book the Sublime- The tenth little sublime hand knit book, and its not showing up on ravelry.

But these are my favourites. I love this so much, such a cute colour, it looks like reserve stocking stitch

This is so cute, its hard to see but the top is garter stitch and the bottom Stocking stitch its cute! 

This pattern is super cute but i cant help but think those neck decreases would be a pain but im sure shes worth it lol 

I have been working on this little number which i mentioned from BRE in the last post. 

So over the weekend i headed up to the spare room or baby's room depending on how brave im feeling. 

So yes i have been gathering 

Im a little bit addicted to these cute leggins from Amazon, they are like £1.85 only in size 0-6 or 6-12 though but they are lush.

I started putting a few things in my dividers in the drawers, yes i know its probably a bit early but you know its fun and im excited. 

So yes I have quite a lot of clothes so far, hee hee there is just so much cute stuff out there 

we bought baby a new book the other week along with a little boring things like thermometers and wipes and stuff. 

So this is pretty much full of wipes and stuff like that. 

I may have also got very carried away and plugging in the Glow Egg and yes i did get the cute little cover but interesting to see how warm it gets in this room as its the warmest in the house i would say. 

So yes very exciting times around here, we are slowly thinking of ideas to decorate, we like to paint to likely to paint but not too sure just yet.

I am attempting to stop buying for this month at least but it is amazing how much a tiny person needs lol


Vikki said...

I am genuinely running out of ideas for gifts as you have so much stuff already! Leave some stuff for people to buy you! X

Kirsteen said...

So pleased to read other people are exactly the same - buying and organsing for baba - this was my little ones room two months before his due date http://lifeinthecraftlanek.blogspot.co.uk/2012/06/ten-on-tenth-in-june.html :) theh wardrobe photos are v similar!! Happy shopping and organising x

hotpotato said...

don't stop being excited a baby that is wanted is exciting so enjoy.

Jude said...

Such an exciting time for you - I love reading about what you've bought. But! You aren't buying too much first size stuff, are you? They really do grow so quick that she'll not wear half of what you buy. :-D Don't stop buying (or telling us about it - love those leggings!) just buy bigger sizes? Take care. Jude.x

Heather said...

Aw yay you got the leggings! They are so good. x


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