Hi guys thanks so much for your kind comments on my photos and card, everyone seems to love the blocks, im pretty sure if you ask Sally nicely she might make you some.
So today is a bonus free day off, I have been busy packing for our weekend away, cant believe i havent seen some of these girlies since halloween, how mental is that.
So i finally uploaded some random photos from my phone so i thought i would show you some things i have been up to lately. WARNING this is photo heavy!

cards arrived

Rob started painting the fence

Next doors cat decided she quite liked us

I caught a cold

I posted my save the date cards

We got our lawn laid and its beautiful

We got ourselves a best man, this is Dan, Robs best mate/man

i wore my flip flops

I finished knitting elijahs monster

I bought some cute make your own lollies

I had a french manicure last thursday

got addicted to these cool square sandwiches

Had a nobbly bobbly in the garden, and dug out my favourite summer shoes

We enjoyed our lawn, from a distance, no walking on it for 2 weeks

Amazed with how pretty it looks

had a hair cut and got a side fringe thing cut in

I loved my bunnies

I made egg and soldiers

Rob spent 8 hours building our new shed

I knit on the train while going to visit Heather

She took me to a crazy shop

i tried to resist all the chocolate in our house

i came home to rob hanging to the fence and painting

We finally located the washing line and hung it up which means my house warming present peg bag finally got its debut
So there you go thats what i have been doing these past few weeks.
I had really better get packing, done stash, but now clothes and knitting stuff to do and some bunny time before i leave them for a whole 3 days :(
Hopefully i will have lots of layouts and fun photos to share next week
have a good one xx
have a fab weekend and try to watch some of the wedding. u might get some ideas ;).
Jo xxx
LOVE all the photos. So great to see what you've been up to. That grass looks so delicious - bet you can't wait to roll around on it or let the bunnies play.
Wow, thats a lot of photos, liking your new hairdo. Have a great weekend.
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