Saturday 30 May 2009


Nearly forgot to blog would of been gutted (but not too gutted that i would of got out of bed) if i hadnt kept going today just photos, me and my mate vic went to Roundhay Park today and i took this lush parasol i think it should be called that i would for something at uni and its beautiful and all made of paper and sewn together, so we took tons of photos. Boiling hot day and pleased to say only my face thats red however vicky was burnt to a crisp, might of been that oil she was using, anyway photos!

Great news is we are going back tomo only this time with the boys so that will be fun and no doubt more photos, Good Times!


Anonymous said...

Awww great day enjoying the sun, I was stuck working but off today to enjoy it. Love your new hair by the way!


Ruthy said...

Fab photos it looks like you had a great day, hope its as fun tomorrow with the boys.


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