Tuesday, 17 March 2015

7 Days later

So last Monday night about 10pm after we finally got Martha to sleep, I picked up my Central Park Hoody!

It looks like this. 

I have made one before a few years ago but I said that 2015 was the year of garment knitting for me so I put down my gift knitting and got to work. I managed a cable repeat before bed. And since then I have been working away on it. 

As you an see it is knit in pieces. 

I got the back done and started on the front panels. With a 10 stitch repeat I find I wanted to complete one of them so that's made it go fast rather than inches and inches of stocking stitch, this I find makes a huge difference to how quickly I knit on this. 

So this ended up being really speedy. 

I managed from the marker below yesterday evening. 

And tonight it loos like this. 

Yay!! Back and fronts done. I have cast on the first sleeve so in theory hoping to have all the knitting done on it at the weekend maybe, possibly, small child willing. 

I'm debating not adding a hood and just doing a collar. 

I have been working briefly on a pair of socks for when it's not convient to work on this. 
Pretty huh. 

And this evening they look like this. 

So they have had a little love. I'm really pleased with my progress so hoping to get some more good progress achieved this week. 

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