Sunday, 23 November 2014

12 & 13mths

WOW I'm horribly behind with my months photos, but I admit they are getting better and better as is my darling girl of course. 

Like look at her teeth here or lack of, they are very much there now actually she has 6 now and she had just 2 here madness.

I bought the stickers just after she was born from etsy and decided to get the 12-2 yrs one too given it was such a pain to get them from the US.

And look at those gnashers now!!

She has changed SO much this month, like she is insanely clever, she has properly mastered the art of hands up or out to be carried or lifted, this is particularly helpful when i am leaving her at nursery :(

She is all about mama at the minute, and says it all the time to pretty much everyone. 

She is a fun and happy little bundle, 

Best photo ever??

Today she turns 14mths wow its just flying by. 

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