Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Wedding Layouts

It has just occurred to me i havent showed you our 'official' wedding pics have i? I will organised that soon but here is a sneak peak i guess with some scrapping i did last month with my gal pals, well actually i did all of these after they left as they are terribly distracting lol 

I basically go for the 'lifting' approach these days, i tend to start with Shimelle, so i found this page 

This page was one done by Laura from her wedding so i copied, i know her so its ok lol 

This was a Shimelle one i think

This is Leannes which is a awesome use of using loads of photos at once, are you seeing a trend?

So this is my attempt 

I have kept things pretty basic, because the photos are so gorgeous and well i have a million photos to get through. 

Right so i will sort some official photos to hopefully post tomo

thanks for stopping by

Rach x


Nicole said...

Yay! Scrap booking is so much fun, I've not done any in years but this will be such a lovely way to look back at your wedding photos & you've done an excellent job :)

Merry Christmas x

Libby said...

Gorgeous layouts. Good to see you scrapbooking again. I'm hoping to get back into again as I realized I missed it this year and some stories aren't getting told/documented anywhere.


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