Tuesday, 11 December 2012


So a couple of weeks ago headed to Baa Ram Ewe to do a Colour Workshop
I have been excited about this for weeks, i have dabbled in colour work but wanted to gain more confidence, so here is a few photos of what we got up to. 

We got some lovely Rowan wool and a pattern book and a Baa ram ewe bag. 

oh and a drink as we arrived which was super yummy. 

I loved this pattern and the lovely colours we used. 

and a bit of intarsia 

bit of progress

The workshop was in a lovely restaurant Salvos this pizza was super yummy. 

This is the restaurant

few zigs zags, 

I learnt a fun little bobbin trick for intarsia 

Here are some of the samples the lovely Sara brought.

this is my messy work area

so this is what i got done. 

I would really recommend this course to anyone who wants to learn to knit with colour

Rach x


Samantha said...

Wow, I love love love knitted colour work! I NEED to learn to knit better so that I can learn this. I have a truly crochet heart so it is really tricky for me. Maybe a new years resolution..... I love your makes, your knitting is beautiful! x

Clare said...

That's looks amazing! Love your blog x


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