Saturday, 29 December 2012

Christmas 2012

Hello, I am sorry i have been gone so long, i am here to bombard you with photos, yes more photos.  I have been a bit behind on my December/Christmas photos, so lets try and catch up!

Decorations went up on the 1st December, naturally

Olive tried to help

We added the new baubles we got on our honeymoon

and it was done

Olive loved to explore the tree like loves it!

she is often found sleeping underneath it, yes this is the cutest thing ever

I got festive at work, well i decorated my desk.

My mam and dad bought us a gorgeous new decoration 

Olive got even cuter

Olive was no help with wrapping the presents but loved the paper

I got my hair cut back in, short hair grows quick! 

We looked after Violet for the afternoon

I braved town on my lunch hour

I dug out my favourite slippers

I supervised Vic decorating her christmas cake

I got dolled up for the work christmas party

and finally got a pic of the tree in town, i drive past it every night but alas no photos when driving. 

i had a rather large cocktail

i went for some christmas nails with Vic

My family visited

we took a cute family photo

and then got dolled up for a christmas dinner party 

I ran around like a nutter on christmas eve while rob was at work but made it to go and see gorgeous Violet open some presents

Christmas eve night me and the hubby drove up home to my folks

Christmas morning yay!

And rob got a hand knitted jumper from my mam, just like mine!

My dad opened some presents

Olive opened her present

This is my awesome haul of presents

and i even got some wool yay 

i got a awesome clock ring from my sis

Granny and Gramps came round and got some Elf slippers like mine 

Granddaughter pic naturally

R&R pic 

Ah xmas dinner, my dad did a awesome job as ever

We obviously need a family pic 

and of course a silly one

my sis and my bro in law

On christmas night after dropping off some presents and letting Olive have a run around we went to the in-laws.

Robs dad really liked his scarf i made which matches the one i did rob last year, knit in their teams football colours. 

We did photo mugs (from photo box) for my mam, dad, granny, grandad, robs mum, and sis.

They went down really well yay!

and of course a group pic round the table.

So there you go christmas over for another year, it goes so quickly right?

I dont feel like ive stopped and had a crazy busy day today and tomorrow well tomorrow is my birthday, its a big one! It ends in a zero!


More on that another day :)

Hope you all had a lovely christmas
R&R (and Olive too)


Aims said...

Lovely post, great to see how you celebrated Christmas and always fab to see pictures of the beautiful Olive :) x

Katie said...

Merry Christmas, looks like you had a lovely time. Olive by the tree looks so cute! Have a happy birthday and all the best for 2013.

Jude said...

Happy Birthday for today. Hope it's a great day. :-) Happy New Year to all three of you. Jude.x

hotpotato said...


Libby said...

Looks like a wonderful Christmas. And what a stack of pressies you got :-).


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