Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Catch up

Hi all, did u miss me? Couple days behind in my updates.

Blogging from my phone so can't do any links I'm afraid.

So I left you last time with my orange mitts didnt I?

-I worked on it on Monday, before work, my lunch hour and after work.
I then finished off the thumbs this morning in bed! Only took 15mins so I just got ready extra fast only to get stuck in traffic and be late any way!

Sorry I know my blog doesn't like my instagram pics!

I cast this on yesterday before Slimming World (more about that another day) so I had something easy to do!
This is the Age of Brass and Steam pattern or something like that and has been in my queue for ages. I am using some of my woolfest wool.

It's a fair bit bigger now but forgot to take a pic. Along with this I also took my wedding shawl which I started earlier this month and just kinda stopped on.
So I have done another repeat on this, again not photographed.

This is Roses are Red. It's coming along nicely!
So as both shawls are getting to the quite long rows I figured I needed a little quick in the round project.
You may recall before I have made a million pairs of Fetchings mittens.

I show u this as the pattern is like £6 on ravelry yet it is still available for free on Knitty!
I picked some yarn I had left from all of the Fetchings I did last Xmas.

So I'm planning on skipping the cables and just using the bare patten to do a pair of striped mittens! Cute right?

Like I said before I always like to have started a project

So I did a quick cast on before bed!

That's all I have for now, I'll get a photo of my finished orange mittens tomo

Thanks for calling by Rach x

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Samantha said...

Lovely, I am very impressed with you fast, fast stitching. You will have plenty to show at the end of the event!! Looking forward to seeing it all! :)xx

Elizabeth said...

It's many years since I did any knitting - due to RSI - but I only every worked on one thing at a time ... I'm so impressed with your speed knitting and multi-tasking :) Elizabeth


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