Wednesday, 4 April 2012


Hello, how are you doing? So i thought i would head over today and tell you a little about what has been going on in my life lately. There has been some 'upheaval' and its been messing with head to say the least.

In true crafty style let me share my story with a layout, lol (crazy amounts of hidden journalling on this one)

So i can't go into too much detail but on the 7th Feb my whole office (along with many others) were told we were all being put 'at risk' of redundancy! OMG! yes i cried horribly 

I can't say i love my job but you know you need a job in order to erm pay for a wedding, house, paper, wool etc so yes safe to say BIG shock for everyone! 

It was a horrid day, like crazy horrid. Our work is being moved to another of our sites, so we had to close.

Anyway, after the usual kinda things, deciding if we want to be redeployed or just take voluntary redundancy and all that. I decided to take VR.

So yes scary to come up with that decision, but everyone seemed happier once they had decided either way if they were staying or going. Redeployment looked erm bleak and very unlikely so we all had in our head we were going. I started looking for jobs, updating your CV, its really hard to actually think, i get to pick what job i do, what do i want to do?

turns out i didn't really know what i wanted to do. 

So safe to say i have been a bit stressed lately, hence the huge amount of holiday days I've been booking lol, the lack of blogging or scrapping or anything.

So skipping past a whole load of s**t, i move onto last week, where we were told now none of us were 'at risk' and they had found everyone jobs.

So whoa! like whoa!

This was a HUGE deal, so end of the story is i now have a new job, as of the summer time i guess when our office closes.

So yes crazy crazy times!

So i just thought i would bring you up to speed on the goings on in my little life not for sympathy but just you know to share.

But alas I'm feeling a lot better about the whole situation, i need a job so we will see what this new role is all about and take it from there.

So yes, thats all for now.

Back soon with some more scrappy stuff

Thanks for listening

Rachel x


Jude said...

Oh wow! What a horrible time it must have been for you? All the very best for the future, hope it all works out and that you enjoy your "new" job. Jude.x

hotpotato said...

Oh what a stessful time for you, glad to hear things have worked out and everything is back on track.

Jackie xxx said...

Glad that it all worked out OK in the end x

Libby said...

How crazy and stresseful for you! But it sounds like all is good. And you get a new job - hopefully one you enjoy more than the current one :-).

Julia said...

Oh no! No wonder you've not been feeling like much. Hope the new job works out fine and sorry you've had to got through all that stress xx


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