Friday, 27 April 2012


I so did a blog post in the week on my phone and it hasn't blooming worked. Ggrrr! Anyway I'm behind with blogging so gonna do the show you a million random photos thing, that cool?

So this past couple of weeks i have mainly been knitting this.

Tall Flowers, its a bulky pattern that works quick quick quick.

and the monster for my friends son

it has mainly been raining constantly

last weekend i started a wedding shawl which is what the 'missing' blog post was about.

Anyway its called Roses are Red but its pink and its pretty.

is started it a good few times.

i drove up to my parents on friday night and stocked up on some SW stuff.

i did a bit more shawl.

on saturday i walked to town and got some cute baby things for my friends babies, and a couple of dresses for me. It promptly started raining not long after this.

then me and my sis drove to Newcastle to the Knit Studio to meet up with my friend Emily, who is from 'home' but now lives in Edinburgh.

see here we are, Emily brought my wedding invitations which are stunning but more on that another day.

i hand delivered a couple of them while i was near family.

i went to visit said granny and gramps and hung out with their crazy cute dog, he always sits like this.


i worked on my shawl on sunday morning before driving home.

oh yes i bought a slow cooker while i was home too, not used it yet but plan to this weekend.

I did more shawl in the week and its starting to look like a something, its exciting.

i saw and wrote out the invites, well most of them.

i blocked my sleeves for my Tall Flowers in the evening

checked the weather very early in the morning apparently, still raining!

i got up early and blocked the body of my Tall Flowers

then i started to sew in the sleeves the next day on my lunch hour

i finished off the sewing at Baa Ram Ewe last night.

just needs a button band but its cute, i really like it.

the lovely Gwen, gave me two Yarn Harlot books

friday rolled around eventually and i wore one of my new dresses which was a bit summery for a very rainy day but cheered me up and was nice and comfy.

i had a very hungry day today so had a jacket for my lunch yum.

So there you go thats what i have been doing in a nutshell.

The weekend is set to be yet another soggy one, tomorrow my sis is coming over and we are going to try and dye yarn and do a bit of sewing.

Hope you have a nice crafty weekend

thanks for calling by

Rach x


Samantha said...

I really like your Tall Flowers and the shawl looks very exciting too. Looking forward to seeing more about your wedding invitations it is such an exciting time! Good luck with the rest of the wedding preparations!

Libby said...

Looks like you've been busy. Loved seeing the little snippets of your life. Hope it's stopped raining now.


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