Hello, so along with all the thrilling things that have have been happening with my job I have also been feeling a bit crap in myself. Tricky to talk about but the weight has been creeping on and I'm not happy/comfortable so time to do something about it before it gets a bit overwhelming and of course i want to look my best for my wedding (5mths to go).
So I joined Slimming World, all on my own! A few of the friends have had lots of success of this diet so i thought i would go and see what its about. If you know me at all you will know i don't do 'coloured' food and by that i mean any fruit or veg so yes its been a bit of a learning curve. So i thought i would share i few things i have been making and how i have been managing to see if anyone out there also did it and had any tips or recipes to share.
Obviously i know this won't interest some people at all and you can either skip these posts or just check out the things i have been cooking and if you have any personal recipes that would be super.
So day one off i went to tesco for some supplies.
Its not that i don't eat well, I don't have lots of takeaways or eat a lot of bad stuff but i don't really get my 5 a day shall we say.
So off i went to work, with my fruit, this is the extent of the fruit i like, and i have eaten my body weight in fruit for 2 weeks now!
On the sunny days we had i sat and tried to get to grips with the rules and stuff.
I stuck to some basics with meals for the first week and made a risotto, chicken, bacon, leeks, onion, mushroom. I had the left overs the next day for lunch.
for breakfast i have been having egg and soilders & a banana
i made a spag bol one night, with Passata, i have never used this before and normally just use a ragu or something so its getting out of the habit of using that kind of thing.
trying desperately to ignore our naughty draw.
Last weekend i made leek and potato soup which i had for 3 days for lunch, safe to say i was a bit bored of it.
For me its been about learning how to make the sauces, i tried a chinese sauce which was pretty tricky, with a bit of advice from my friends i tried and did a pork chinese. I used 5 chinese spices which was really nice if not just a new experience completely, i added a bit of honey as directed.
it was really nice, however the next day, i was SO thirsty like more thirsty than i have ever been in my life, i must have had 15 little bottles of water that day, then i had leftovers for lunch so it started all over again.
That night i joined the work gym, this is just temporary as we are moving in a few months so making the most of it while its there.
I went to group that night and found i hadn't lost anything, which i will admit nearly made me cry, because even though it had only been a week i felt different and felt i had lost something. However they didn't tell me to take my wooly jumper off or the giant cotton shawl i was wear or not to come in jeans.
Safe to say i will not be wearing those next time. I did wonder why someone was in her nightie, like seriously!
I had a chat afterwards with the 'leader' and she pointed out things i was doing wrong, i still hadn't got to grips with the whole healthy a, healthy b, free/ super free so the next day i sat after work and made lists of things i would actually eat off each list rather than look in the book.
I am pretty impressed with myself for staying and not just going home and crying as i felt i had worked really hard, so it wasn't like i was naughty i just hadn't quite understood but i could kick myself for not doing the measuring the inches thing, as i know that has changed.
is this getting a bit personal for my blog, perhaps!
anyway i went back to the good old risotto
this time, sweet potato, broccoli, onion, bacon, leek, mushroom, onion, check me out with my super free!
someone posted this on the SW group on Facebook and it amused me as its so true!
this is how my mornings look these days. As you know i am awesome at making egg and soilders
i even bought a butternut squash, i love these but had never done anything with them myself. So thats on my list to have a stab at.
The one thing i am noticing is how quickly we/ i am going through fruit and veg, i tend to have 2-3 bananas a day, and mushrooms run out fast so thats a bit of a pain and its costing a small fortune.
on good friday, I made a sausage sandwich with a egg and stacks of mushrooms, i had another banana just in case i hadn't quite had a 1/3 veg so had fruit.
Something people had been mentioning in the group was diet coke chicken.
So i gave it a try, basically its 6table spoons of passata and a can of diet coke and some honey and soy sauce.
It is supposed to takes like BBQ chicken, i can't say it did but it was really yummy and a nice different sauce.
One thing i am really struggling with is eating on the move, on saturday i took a banana and my box of fruit but i was out all day and blooming starving but couldn't go to Greggs, or Costa or anywhere so i was a bit stuck so just went without, so if you have any tips on eating on the go please share.
So there you go, this has been slightly taking over my life for the past 2 weeks, all i feel like i do is cook and plan what i am going to cook, which is making my productivity on knitting mighty slow but i know when i get into it then it will come more natural but its just the planning and when i run out of something i just get stuck.
So if anyone is also on the SW journey please feel free to share tips and tricks that might help.
It is weigh in tonight so i have my leggins and light t shirt and flip flops to wear for weigh in!
Wish my luck
Rachel #projectskinnybride
Well done for sticking with the diet! Hope the weigh in is more posistive (well negative IYKWIM) tonight.
Watch out for too many bananas they're quite high in calories and can slow your digestion down if you eat too many!
My facourite healthy takeaway when we're out and about is a subway salad - same price as a sandwich but served in a bowl with loads of salad. If you go for the fat free sauces (I like sweet onion) they're pretty good!
hey rachel. i lost about a stone with slimming world and used extra easy cos it was extra easy. for soups i added lentils and chickpeas to make them more filling and ate loads of fruit and veg especially mushrooms. it's gr8 that eggs r free and so i had omelettes and jacket potatoes too. i found it relatively easy to do but i know it can be a challenge for everyone and although the diet was easy the weight fluctuated alot. don't get sad u will do it. my advise is stay to group, buy the magazine and a few cookbooks, use the website too as there is loads of info.
u will look stunning in ur frock, and u have time to get there,
love jo xx
Hi Rachel, I've be doing slimming world for 12 weeks now and have lost 21lbs! It really does work so stick with it. Check out this site
She has some fab recipes...the katsu curry and dupiaza are yummy!
good luck x
I think it was Nigella Lawson who said something like she loved being on a diet because it meant that she got to talk about food all the time!
I did WW to lose baby weight which worked out very well because the 'rules' were much more simple but really its the cooking from strach, if your not used to it then its a heck of a habit to suddenly introduce into your life. The WW and slimming world mags are really good for recipies and its were I got most of mine from
Good luck
not sure how the diet works for them BUT my hubby was told not to overload on fruit cos bascially some fruits have has many calories as a bar of chocolate. Why not replace some with raw carrots?
Spinning classes helped me trim down for my wedding. I too have decided to try and get my five a day in and would agree with you that its so pricey - we had an astonomical bill in Asda on Monday!!
Good luck with the weigh in!
Good luck with your new journey at sw I also joined last week and my first weigh in is tomorrow. Not expecting big things as I was on my sisters hen weekend this week. But I'm looking forward to a new week this week... X
Goodluck with your weighing in tonight, and welldone for sticking with your diet. My Mum lost 4 1/2 stone with SW and has retained her weight for the last 18 months, it really does work.
Best of luck and remember don't be too hard on yourself you're only human?
Sounds like you've made a lot of great changes in your diet and lifestyle. When I did weight watchers I'd always try to wear the same or similiar clothes each week and take off any jackets. My body doesn't not like to let go of any weight and holds on for dear life. But I find if I keep with things and not give up, after a few weeks the kilos do start to melt away. Losing weight is so not easy. Focusing on the healthy benefits might help keep on track on times when the scales are not your friend. Just remember that weigh in in one moment in time. If you following the program you will lose weight.
good luck with the weigh in. It sounds like you are doing really well! In terms of how expensive fruit is, look around for your local farm shop. fruit and veg is so much cheaper and cos it has a shorter shelf life they can sell it very cheap when it is about to go over! xx
I did slimming world last year and lost 2 stone, but I put on a stone just over Christmas and was severly disappointed in myself. I haven't gone back, which really I need to do! Once you get in a routine you'll do great.
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