Wednesday, 18 January 2012

What to do???????

I need some advise, this weekend me and a few knitting gals are heading a bit north (thats right north not crazy down south like normal) to a fabulous weekend of knitting in a gorgeous cabin.

So the main problem im having is what to take with me. Do i do the sensible thing and take say 2 things, and if im sick of one i do the other?

Do I take my old WIP, and old i mean my poor Laar which i really want but i havent touched it since erm July maybe.

I started this in October i did 2 rows too many to do the lace rows so i need to frog 2 rows then start the lace but erm i dont like doing lace.

Oh man my stupid cardi i have already knit once and just dont want to knit again but i do want the cardi. help!

And of course Laika which is a tricky old knit or it is for me.

I think i will take this one, i have added some photos below of what it will look like when its done. I Really want this. So in theory you should knit spring/summer things in winter and winter things in the summer.

its so pretty i want it so much, im sure if i pick it up and tried to remember what to do i would get back into it again.

So do i take 

a- lots of things
b- not a lot of things say 2
c- only old projects
d- start some new fabulous things


I have completely unrealistic expectations of how i can get done but a whole friday night, a whole saturday and most of sunday knitting, surely i will get loads done right?

I am also going to be taking my Kindle  and maybe some scrappy stuff, DVDS and Nats is taking the Wii so our arms dont fall off with all the knitting.

P.s these are only photos of my OLD wip there is none of the erm recent ones

Quick send for help!

Rach x


naomi said...

I'd go for option e - all of the above!! Whatever you don't take you'll wish you had!

Nicola said...

It released on Wednesday as expected! Cabin looks fab, can I come?! Take all wips, you'll only wish you had if you dont....have fun :)

Julia said...

I would take two. Then you have to make a dent in something! The knit spring things in winter is a sound idea so get that lovely red number finished! Have a great weekend x

Hi, I'm Vicki said...

I would take lots - then you won't get bored and you'll get some done on each knit (maybe.....) have fun at the cabin, sounds great!!!


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