Friday, 23 December 2011


I just thought i havent been talking about my bunnies for a while have i? They are as gorgeous as ever, for the past few weeks they have been living inside. I know its not exactly cold outside, certainly not compared to last year but it was dark when i saw them in the morning and dark at night and i missed those little fluffy buns.

So they have been in the living room (not their permanent home) and entertaining us no end.

Terribly photos i know but i never seem to use my 'proper' camera these days.

Its hard to believe these girls are related, they are SO different, Wilma has always been the confident one thats first into everything and Olive has always been the one thats ran away like we are trying to pull her ears off.

So they were out 'playing' the other day and Wilma found our Advent calendar 

Cheeky monkey

Then she somehow found the birthday wrapping paper i may have been hiding under the coffee table, she thought it was very exciting.

I thought it was time i gave them something proper to play with so found them a box

Olive thought this was much more exciting

and so they explored. It was something to hide in so Olive was happy.

And then very thoughtful as she looked out the window. Have you see How to train your Dragon? I think Olive looks like the little black dragon. She is also sitting on a 'pizza box' which they also thought was exciting.


So there you go thats what they have been up to.


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