Ok im just going to say it really quick... our house isnt going to be ready till next year!
There i have said it, the very thing i never wanted to have to say, as you can imagine we are gutted to say the very least.
You shall be pleased to hear i have wrote an extremely snotty letter detailing just how gutted we are and how very mad we are ggggrrr!!
So gone are the dreams of our first Christmas in our new house, i know we will have many more but im selfish i wanted this one. Currently all christmas and birthday plans for that matter are a bit up in the air.
So as mentioned i have next week, so plan is to try and get this house in some sort of liveable order again as we had kinda let the boxes take over.

yeah i know it stresses me out to look at it too.
But whatever may happen i know i am very lucky to have my very lovely fella by my side every step of the way trying to make me a little bit happier every day, and for that i am extremely thankful.

Rach x
So sorry to hear you won't be in your new house for Christmas but hope you have a great one anyway :-)
So sorry to hear you won't be in your new house for Christmas but hope you have a great one anyway :-)
I'm sorry, what rubbish news. I hope you manage to have a lovely last Christmas before you move to your new house instead.
Oh been there Rach. Was supposed to move from Leics back to Shropshire 4 Xmases ago & it all went pear-shaped on the 18th Dec & we'd sold the house in July!!!
Paint a big smile on your face & enjoy this Xmas with the knowledge that NEXT Xmas will be less stressful :)))
So sorry you won't be in by Christmas hun, but I'm sure you'll make the best of it & have a good Christmas. Try not to let it get you down :)
So sorry to hear that you won't be in your new pad for Christmas. Just think of all the time you will have next year to plan The Best Christmas Ever in our new home :)
when i went through a similar situation, all the boxes went into the spare room and stayed there until i moved so i didnt keep seeing my pain.
i hope that u can achieve something similar and have a fab final christmas in ur old place and look forward to a new year in ur new house,
Jo xxxx
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