Sunday 7 February 2016

The 3rd

Hello all. 
So last week I got a bee in my bonnet about finishing a old WIP. I went for my Tan House Brook Shawl, I have a couple a of these already and wear them loads and loads. 
I powered on

And on 

And then it was done. I super focuses and  proud coz it wasn't half way there I wouldn't say. 

I left it to soak for erm a few days 

And then blocked it, blocking with my giant belly is getting hard and I'm not great at it to start. 

But today we photographed it yay and I love it and it's blocked out really big which is fab. 

The Yarn is Candycane by The Knitting Goddess. I think I got it at Yarndale in 2014 so happy to be using it. 

Is pretty big

But this is how I will wear it really. 

So that's the 3rd one I've done. I am
Trying to branch out but I do love it. 

On Monday I try and give myself a little 'focus' so this Monday gone I picked these. My socks I started in November and a new knit for Martha 

I'll be back to show u how far I got and tell you what this weeks 'focus' is

Thanks for stopping by x

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