Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Team Girl?

So we have finally had confirmation of our 20 week scan which is at the end of the month. This feels like a million years away like seriously, i really dont know how people cant find out, its driving me mad.

So in anticipation along side the neutral knits i have been doing and looking at i have been adding girly patterns and boy patterns, so here are a few of my favourites should we have a girl and of course my ideas should we have a boy.

So i havent linked these up coz it takes ages, i have all my baby faves in my favourites here on ravelry, i have had a few new 'friends' add me lately but dont know if they have come from the blog or what, if you do want to add me just drop me a hello PM too if thats ok.

Lots of these have been in my favourites for many many moons now, some are fancy and some are easy. I am literally bursting to find out now, I am not good at beige, there is so much cute stuff for girls and boys but 'surprises' are very limited shall we say. We are beyond excited to have either a boy or a girl so long as they are healthy is of course the main thing but man i wanna know!

Its gonna be a long month lol.

So there you go these are some i have my eye on, some i have knit before, some a new and a bit more complex which is why you would maybe only make them for your 'own' yes i know that sounds selfish but knitting can take a long time.

Right i will go and schedule my boy post.

Rach x


Helen said...

I have knitted chloe, its a lovely quick cardigan :)

Sue said...

Oh what gorgeous little knits you have chosen to make (if it is a girl). I always think that girls sit lower down in your tummy and boys sit up higher. The little heart top and the one above it are adorable, could you tell me what patterns they are?

Lou Lou & Jim Jams Toys said...

Some pretty choices there Rachel.

hotpotato said...

they're real cute knits....you can't beat hand knitted stuff for babies and children.


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