Hi guys, wow ages since i have blogged obvs blogger being down had a little to do with that but even so, i have been far to distracted with these guys

Seriously is this not the cutest thing ever? they are snuggled up on the sofa, we have been using the litter tray in the house and its been working pretty well, still need the lovely looking 'bunny blanket' down thou but man i love it when they sit and snuggle. Best decision we ever made getting 2 bunnies.
So anyway apart the the bunnies i have been knitting up a storm, literally ran home to sit and knit, maybe sad i know but i dont care the knitting bug has been biting extra hard this week.
So i thought i would pop along and show you how are garden is looking these days.
This is photo heavy the by way

This is just before we moved it, well about a month so 16th December

This is where i was going to put our bunnies lol
By the time we moved in the snow had melted and it was well soggy

This photo feels like yesterday, every time we moved we got stuck in the mud literally, i have never used my wellies so much in my life, safe to say they are pretty much ruined.

But we battled on and got the fence up

even n the mud we tried to set it up like a proper garden, we could both see it so clearly in our heads.

Whatever we did no matter how dry the weather was it remained soggy :(
So we left it and left it and left it, and i assume you have gathered patience is not one of my strong points.
But then we got what the stupid builders called 'top soil' i personally think it was coco powder but it did start to look cuter/beach like

We put out cute fence panel up from the old house and got excited about it being finished

In March we built the bunny area

Rob built our new garden seat, which we had bought the previous august in the sale, it then lived in my craft room against the wall for 6 mths, then 3 mths in the garden.
At this point all we really needed was turf, but that green stuff is pricey, we costed it up, we thought about fitting it ourselves but in the end we just bit the bullet and got someone to fit it.


and then it was down and it looked fabulous, and then began the crazy watering.
We werent allowed to walk on it for 2 weeks which was a bummer but it started to look amazing


This is our neighbours cat that keeps on coming and visiting normally when im sat knitting on my little seat, we were a bit miffed that the cat got to walk on the grass.
every time when rob had a day off work i would come home to find him doing something different in the garden

then we thought we really do need a shed

Rob built this all on his own, we went for a cute plastic one as there is no upkeep etc and it was cuter than the others.
So last weekend we (i say we i watched) did the last few touches

Our poor plants that had been potted up ready to go since September finally got to go in the ground, now the ground was far from ideal crazy amounts of clay but we are hoping they will be ok with the extra good soil we have put in.

Some of them are still in pots as we have a a crazy amount of drains in our garden so we have to cover them so they look pretty too.

Im sure you will agree it looks fabulous

So not only did i get the best garden on the block i also got this

my very own hunky gardner!
p.s you might be able to see the little logs in the background we have since put them round the bunny bit in an attempt to stop sawdust blowing everywhere!
So there you have it, what we thought would be a nightmare to ever get going got going in a few months, people in the street are only just starting there garden now and we are all ready to sit in ours and look at how pretty it is.
I hope you enjoyed my little new build garden diary!
Right i best get packing for my jollies not long to go now!
Catch you all later, thanks for stopping by
rach xx
Sooo cute and a very impressive transformation.
i know u said u have no patience but u've managed to make a garden in less than 6 months which is pretty amazing. it looks lovely. hope someone is going to look after it while ur on ur jollies,
jo xxx
It looks fantastic, and all ready for the sun lounger come summer. Your bunnies are so cute. There's pictures of my puppy (not such a puppy anymore now he's one) on my blog, it was his birthday yesterday, I know you used to have a Cavalier too. Have a great holiday.
Hello just popping by from my new blog http://nikkis-crochet-haven-uk.blogspot.com/
Im a beginner to crocheting and already im hooked! By the way lovely blog! I am now following you!
Your garden is looking really good...... Don't fancy coming and having a tidy up in mine, do you? :-) LOL Jude.x
Your garden looks fab Rachel, you must be so glad it's finished.
WOW - the yard looks amazing. That mud must have been so awful to live with but I guess it makes you appreciate the grass that bit more :-). Loved seeing the progress photos. How great that Rob gets in there and does so much. Where can I find me a hunky gardener? :-).
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