Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Non house related post?

Hurray, so on saturday i did a little bit of scrapping so i actually have something to share with you. My photos arrived the other day and as i have titles and journalling in my head i really wanted to get scrapping, Something i havent really wanted to actually do for a while.

I really love this christmas range oh whats is called? Echo Park- Everyone loves Christmas.

This photo of the tree was taken at 4.30 on christmas eve as i was leaving work, im still pretty narked i had to stay that long and i thought it kinda suited the layout. In the journalling i explained how i had had a lovely christmas, but how things had to change by not being in the house and all the things we had planned. Its not a sad page i just wanted to document what i was feeling at the time.

I also wanted to show you a couple of photos i took out of my scrapping room window, its been a long dark winter but these were taken at 3.45 and its actually v-e-r-y slowly getting lighter
Im really going to miss this view, you can see the whole city lit up from here even the uni which is pretty far away really.

Thats all for now
Thanks for stopping by
Rach x

1 comment:

Katy said...

Awww beautiful Layout hun. Not long now till the big move eeeeeeeeeeep so exciting, and cant wait to see your new pad :)

Much Love Katy xxxxxx


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