Monday, 26 May 2008

Mini books Galore!

this mini book is a little book i got with a kit from Scrapagogo its been sat on my desk for weeks just looking at me so finally once night i just did it only took bout 30 mins as its tiny it sits on my desk at work to cheer my up lol.

So this is the book ive been doing for my friends friends birthday hurray its done, only started it last sunday though but a week is a long time to work on something for me lol


x Rachel x said...

Gorgeous books Rach,you have been busy busy! i still haven't done anything with my little gogo book, you have spurred me on to use it now!!:)

dddeeebbbzzz said...

These books are fantastic! I'd have taken loads more than 30 minutes - maybe if I didn't keep going of to blog hop I'd get more done!

elliemook said...

Fab mini books, they're so cute x

Unknown said...

Great books!

Inspiration Alley said...

the books are brilliant.

Cass said...

Fab little books.

Cass xxx

Jazzy1972 said...

Fabby books, those memories will be so fun to look back on. Jay x


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