Monday, 19 May 2008

Im sticking with you! coz im made out of glue

Another lo inspired by juno a really fun song- ive used some of my more resent stash the new sassafras papers which are rather yummy, but was bit scared to use coz they are so nice but i like it, bit rare for me to scrap 8x8 these days but i like it non the less.


mandijane said...

That's FAB

Louby said...

Hi, here from the UKS blogathon link, Love the layout and i know what you mean about using stuff you really like, I'm the worlds worst for thinking " ooooh i'm not using that it's too nice"

Lovin your blog, lovely bright happy feel to it.

Anonymous said...

That's a great page: I love orange and blue together, they are really striking. I remember the song: it was used for an advert a while back and I found myself singing it all the time!

Tinkerbelle said...

Wow, your work continues with such style.. keep up the good work, must let us know when you will be featured xxx

Unknown said...

Fantastic Lo - love the colours, works really well. Well done using the papers, I have boxes full of stuff that I think is too nice to use!

aka UKS donna2606

elliemook said...

Fab layout really love the way you've used those papers x

Kerry said...

Fantastic layout.


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