Saturday, 17 May 2008

Feeling nervous

im starting my lo for scrapbook inspirations today i had a idea but did a practice with other photos and paper but then i didnt like it so much. so ive been printing photos off all morning- wedding, uni, holiday. disney, drinking, in a tree al-sorts.

i knew what paper im using so that good at least, ive just made everything black and white to make it easier, but i have officially stuck my first piece of paper down and im scared now.

ive also been blog hopping like crazy some blooming gorgeous stuff out there, and America kits wow! there is a few i have my eye on but i must resist.

well here goes the 2nd piece of paper.

Also i must say thanks for all my lovely comments really means alot that people check in here so thanks guys!


mandijane said...

I'm sure that whatever you do will be completely fabulous....there's nothing you've done that I've seen that has ever been anything other than be brave, be bold and go with your instincts....more importantly be sure to blog like crazy when it's published and we can all see...
Good Luck !!! I'm sending scrapping mojo your way

Claire said...

Good luck with the LO, just been looking at your blog and all your work is fabulous so sure it will be great!

Unknown said...

looking forward toseeing your LO in SI-well done!

dddeeebbbzzz said...

Rachel. have confidence in yourself! Just look at all the comments on your blog. Your LOs are super and this one will be no different! Enjoy it! Looking forward to seeing the finished result in print. Go girl!!

elliemook said...

Good luck with the layout, I'm sure it will be fab x

Inspiration Alley said...

I'm sure that it will be perfect like all your other work. Looking forward to seeing it. Good Luck with it, although I'm sure you won't need it.

x Rachel x said...

Good luck with the LO for SI Rachel,
although you don't need luck as your a talented girl, have confidence in what you do, your work is gorgeous, & i look forward to seeing it in print! x


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