Saturday, 26 April 2008

my love is all yours

this is a lo using the sugared collection from basic grey. using a fun photo in roundhay park in leeds.
i have used a hamley rub on from the march gogo kit and the hearts are die cut, i was really stuck for a title for this , then a song by Corrine Bailey-rae came on which is called 'your love is all mine' about her husband who sadly died last month.
as sad as the song then became to me i really wanted to use the title so just adapted it slightly.

hope you like it.


dddeeebbbzzz said...

What a busy day you've had! Love the 'Growing Pains' lo. I've got loads of bad hair photos which I'm too embarrassed to scrap!

Unknown said...

Great updates. Fabulous LOs and great colours. Deb x


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